Saturday, November 28, 2009

Blog Post 20

Looking at the sculpture, Story, and its surroundings of the environment it seems almost peaceful. It’s somewhere to get away and enjoy the presence of what you want to specifically hear for yourself.This spot is also nice because it is out of the way of the rest of the sculptures to provide a more personal setting. Story is obviously representing a human figure, and a man from that as well. The author gives the audience the description that the sculpture is of himself, and his last days of a smoker. I like how this piece is so simplistic, yet it really gives off a lot of feeling. You can relate to the man and almost hear his thoughts from his stance. The surrounding in which the sculpture is set, is a sort of bare place. Tucked away from the other sculptures, like it’s trying to get away.

I imagine that this specific spot is more quiet because it is out of the direct path of passing people. As an art-object, this piece could take part in a variety of aspects. I think it all really depends on the audience and their specific opinions the sculpture gives off. Being that the material chosen was aluminum, I feel that this is designed to take on a more modern aspect of life. This piece could also be looked at as a freedom of expression, or even speech. The author talks about how he is smoking his last cigarette, which takes on a type of freedom to do what one person wants. The sculpture itself is a type of expression and designed by the author’s style. King also says he is “yakking away”, which is where freedom of speech falls through.

By this sculpture being placed in such a specifically chosen spot, and on a college campus, it relates to the people who will be looking at the sculpture. College students have the freedom of choice, and they definitely like to keep that in mind. Being that this art-object represents the author, I imagine that he would be a very laid back and open-minded person. When he says “yakking away” to describe his sculpture, it gives off a sort of “who cares” vibe, and maybe that he also likes to chat a lot.

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