Saturday, September 12, 2009

Blog Post 5

In the beginning of the video "The Red", a man walks into a dark lit building, for anger management, and makes his way down a thin, red line leading him to ,yet, another set of doors. He approaches the room, enters, signs in, and is then immediately called upon to "share his story". This gives off an excellent view of pathos, showing feeling and emotion.

From the very start of the video, you can tell the story is going to, quickly, be filled with emotion. The anticipation of the music gives off the vibe that there is definitely something powerful which will shortly arise. It's not hard to sense that there is anger occurring, and it's staying that way. Since we know "the red" equals anger, it draws us in to notice all of the actual items in the video which are actually red themselves (e.g., the red tape line, flashing red light). The different signs in the video also help to signify the thought of rage. Think before you speak, shows before he begins to talk. Count to ten, his peers are holding in their thoughts. Learn to recognize the many faces of anger, followed by showing the reactions of the other attendants.

The background emotions play a big role for this video in expressing mood. After he gets up on the stage, and begins to talk, the lighting darkens when he begins to express how, "They say freak/when you're singled out". These words are not held well with the audience, and the annoyance starts to appear. His peers start fidgeting and show an increase in gestures, which naturally bothers numerous rivals in the room because their lack of patience. The signs also demonstrate how difficult it is for everybody to hold in their reactions to his words.

As the podium is slammed to the ground, a little later on, it's symbolizing the last string of self-control possessed. All that had been learned is now thrown out the window, and real problems begin with free-for-all fighting.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Blog Post 3

There is definitely variety when it comes to how Chevelle's "The Red" can be broken down into context. What really helps to shape everything though are, most importantly, the lyrics. Understanding the literacy to song is an important key in how we may perceive the artist and their video. "The Red" is communicating anger, and how problematic it is in society. When you're looked at differently, or targeted, the "red" occurs, hence "They say freak/when you're singled out/the red/well, it filters through". So, being looked down to instead of not being judged increases his anger when he sees red.

The tone to these lyrics are clearly defined as being serious words, and can really only be taken in their specified voice. He wants everyone to know that he's angry and that he's not any different than you or me. "So lay down, the threat is real/when his sight goes red again". In this section of the song, Chevelle is expressing that the anger is nothing but real, and there is no joke to be intended. I also think that in todays world, such aspects like attending an anger management class are a little more accepted than what they used to be. Fifty years ago, attending a meeting specifically for anger would a) probably not be around and b) the person would be looked at as crazy, or mental.

So, why does he think he is being judged upon being different? Maybe from society putting up so many expectations on what is considered "normal" today. Those who may attend anger management classes, as seen in the video, are looked upon as being different because they may not be able to "control" themselves as well as others. As far as we know, this is definitely true about how we view others. We judge when we shouldn't, and we don't really understand the problems that arise from the anger occuring.