Thursday, October 22, 2009

Blog Post 13

In this comic by Dan Piraro, there are two snowmen attempting to defend themselves from the small rabbit with the dreadful hairdryer. The woman snowman says “It’s not worth it, Roy! Let’s just give him our noses & let him go!”. This is obviously entailing that that rabbit wants their carrot noses, therefore, that is why he is holding up the hairdryer; to melt the snowmen. The interactions between these characters are expressed visually because we can determine what is going on between the characters and who is who. We know that the rabbit is the “bad” guy and the snowmen are the “good” guys just by looking at the expressions that the characters are showing. Also, we notice that the rabbit is holding a hairdryer, which is his intended weapon of choice, because that is the snowman's weakness; heat.

From the text, which the female snowman is expressing, the audience is informed once again to make the picture more clear and to let them know what the thoughts are in which they are thinking at the time being. And in case the audience does not develop the understanding that rabbits like carrots and that is what the rabbit is after, the text also proves this is what is happening. In this specific comic, typography helps us to understand the peace in full by expressing emotion through the text.

The text is, for the most part, in capital lettering as well as a bigger font size. This shows the audience that panic is occurring and that the character is being serious; possibly yelling and/or having a stern voice. We can also notice that the text looks more like a handwriting type font than anything else; which sort of personalizes the piece. The word “worth” is underlined as well which raises its importance to what is going on. The female snowman would rather give up her nose whereas the male snowman is willing, and would rather, fight to keep his.

Snowmen themselves carry symboled typography. When we make snowmen, the generic way to do this is to use the carrot as the “nose”, coal for the “eyes”, “mouth”, and “buttons”, and sticks for the “arms”. The hairdryer in this specific comic could also be looked at as a symbol because it produces the heat which would then lead to the snowman's deaths. The broom is used to fight off the rabbit, which is the snowman's weapon.