Sunday, November 22, 2009

Blog Post 19

During class on Thursday, November 19, I didn’t really understand what was going on at the time. We all sat there is silence for most of the class period, and couldn’t comprehend why until we were left alone and the first video with voice appeared. This was the video of John Cage talking about silence, and how each one of his performances is different. Never the same. The performative aspect of Thursday’s class session changes the perspectives we have on a “normal” class session just by changing what the students and the teacher take part in. On any regular day, my classes consist of the students sitting in silence, for the most part, while the teacher explains the necessary materials for that specific class session. It was an interesting turn to not be spoken to, or lectured, during class but to simply just listen to the faint sounds.

This is also the type of experience I gained from examining my sculpture outside, and by myself. It was silent, except for the activity occurring in the background of others talking, walking, coughing, etc. When approaching these sculptures outside, we are obviously asked to look at them in a different way than if they were inside. For my sculpture specifically, it was made to be outside; makes more sense outside. Story, is of a man who is smoking a cigarette and casually sitting and “talking”. Because this sculpture is “smoking”, and also on campus, being outside with nature is really the only place to be. Smoking is not allowed indoors while on campus, so it appears more realistic when set out of the museum itself.

Material also plays a big part in determining if a piece should be placed outside. Story is made of purely aluminum, which does not rust and is very sturdy. When we look at sculptures outside versus inside, we see them as a part of nature. Inside sculptures are looked at to be more fragile and/or delicate, and not to be touched. Story fits outside because it is casual and taking an appearance of a man himself. Freedom to be where he wants.

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