Thursday, September 3, 2009

Blog Post 2: Web 2.0 Video

This video demonstrates how the availability of the web has captured us all and is, practically, a necessity to our lives in the modern world. Well, a pen and paper are great ways to write but, what better way than to do it digitally. Digital writing is faster, smarter, and more organized. The purpose of this video, to me at least, is not only to educate the audience but to inspire us on using the digital world for a variety of needs. We need to appreciate, and take advantage of what is given to us, and that is exactly what we are seeing from this on the web. There really is nothing that I can think of, in which we cannot do on the web. We can hyperlink words, which lead us to another link, and see whatever is imaginable to the writer (video, photos, research, etc.).
So, who is the audience? You, me and everyone else reading or watching. The audience is the purpose for this video. We can relate, learn, and imagine what is possible with digital writing.

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