Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Blog Post 1: Quotation on Writing

"The best way to become acquainted with a subject is to write a book about it" –Benjamin Disraeli.

I think that the purpose of this quote is to communicate with others about the ease of writing and its ability to help one improve themselves. I feel that the author of this quote is interested in trying to get more people involved in the process of writing books, or at least to push themselves to try. If you want to learn more, write a book on what you’re interested in. Since nobody knows everything, there is always going to be something more to help expand your mind. There really is no specific audience for this quote, except for maybe those to young to read and write. The context could be a variety of things. What I am getting most from this quote though, is that there is so much in life to learn and what better way to fulfill that need than to learn about it through writing. I think that this quote could easily be made into an argument just because of the many differing opionions and ideas on how to learn a subject properly . Some may think this idea (writing a book) would be a great way to learn a subject, while others could argue that studying from a book may be better. I myself agree with the author and think that writing a book on a subject, you may not be so familiar with, is a great way to learn. On the other hand though, who has the time to just sit down and write a book on what they all want to learn. This quote definitely makes it easy to believe that writing a book about a subject, in which you wish to become acquainted with is possible.

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