Monday, November 16, 2009

Blog Post 17: Experience with Art Objects

My experience with art objects does not really consist in a wide range of variety. I have really only been exposed to making a few art pieces in my elementary years and seeing additional pieces in museums (i.e. Joslyn Art Museum). My mom used to take me to a lot of museums when I was younger becuase it was really something that she seemed to enjoy. I didn't really like going to the art museums all the time, probably because it was something I couldn't really understand that much. I would become bored quickly and start to complain, just like a typical child would.

As I got older though, I actually developed an interest in looking at the different types of art. I wanted to stand there and depict the pieces of art instead of just walking around quickly so we could get done faster. Today, I enjoy going to art museums and looking at the variety. I find it interesting to know what the author of the piece is trying to say, and what they want the viewer to feel while they are looking at it. My main interests in art objects are life based, but I do also like some more abstract pieces too. I like to view life based art because I think it is more personal from the author, and gives the viewers some sense of their personalities and emotions.

I have also always liked to engage in making art. Most of the sculptures or paintings I have ever made were from my elementary days, when we had art class. This was probably my favorite class because we just got to use our imaginations and create something that wasn’t wrong. The only art that I have probably made in the last few years are some dycro glass pieces in the kiln. My mom likes to make art from glass so it’s always more available to me and encouraged.

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